La Veu Submergida

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La Veu Submergida – Maria Palma

“The Submerged Voice” is a multidisciplinary proposal in creation that puts the circus and water in dialogue.

A multidisciplinary show that brings circus and movement into dialogue in an unusual environment, water. A large fish tank full of water serves as a pretext to talk about silences, barriers and overcoming them. It is a path to the depths of the subconscious through the experience of apnea where sound and light are also protagonists. A piece that investigates body movement in relation to breathing, weight, voice and the element of water.

This proposal revolves around breathing as a basic human experience between the individual and the whole, as a hinge between power and weakness, related to the emission of the voice and, referring rather to its physiological explanation , as a hinge between movement and stillness.

The show is set in a time, now, and in a space, the depths of a woman who seeks to understand her own identity.

Apnea as a risky practice, the constant relationship with the element of water and the acroaquatic movement in and out of the fish tank make this show an unconventional circus piece.

During apnea, the body activates mechanisms to survive underwater, transmitting oxygen between cells in the most efficient way possible. The body, then, finds a way to reorganize itself, accompanied by the mind, which remains blank, distancing us from this constant acceleration of the rhythm in which we live, which has made the air unbreathable.
The artist Maria Palma was awarded as best emerging artist at the Zirkòlika Awards 2024.

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